вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

appalacian trail journals

Today as I walked home from the MRT station I started getting depressed. I think it was the weather; it was saddening and daunting at the same time. Iapos;m really starting to suspect if Iapos;m a problematic kid in depression or not.

Have you ever, felt like youapos;ve lost connection with the world? Not that youapos;re not talking to people, not that youapos;re not communicating. Its just that youapos;re not really connecting to anyone. Omg I donapos;t really make sense anymore. I feel like Iapos;m missing someone. Maybe not someone, like some people. I feel like Iapos;ve been living in another dimension. Its like. Iapos;m there, Iapos;m physically there I can be seen I can be heard, but Iapos;m just not there Iapos;m not.. God Iapos;m talking rubbish. I donapos;t know how Iapos;m feeling I just feel like Iapos;m lost it feels like Iapos;m not alive. I donapos;t even know if Iapos;m doing this on purpose or not I donapos;t know if Iapos;m trying to cut myself out from the world or the world just doesnapos;t have enough room for me. Sometimes it does feel like the universe isnapos;t big enough to fit everyone.

I feel like every single day Iapos;m losing a part of myself; losing a part of what I believe in.

Okay I am in depression. Boohoo.

Thereapos;s always that one person

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

david tao guitar chords

I find red light camera signs rather amusing. Specially after living in Doraville for almost two years. Doraville has the signs everywhere up and down Buford highway even in the middle of the blocks. But not a single camera to go along with the signs. Then their is highway 400. Whats the point of a red light camera sign on a highway?

Just wondering if anyone else has noticed the same thing anywhere.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Supernatural is fantabulous I so hope they can keep up this run of decent episodes right thru the season. It kinda reminded me of the ghostfacers episode somehow.

I had my last day of theatre today. Iapos;m really going to miss it. Donapos;t really want to go back to the wards but I to get my assignment done I need conscious, coherent patients which is something there is a surprising lack of in theatre and recovery ^_^

BOOYA Iapos;ve a date this weekend with the sky remote and MumDads biiiig television.

Right off to watch Buzzcocks. This time our Tim made me promise I wouldnapos;t cackle *sigh* Restraining ones self can be difficult.
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